Florists Choice, Let me get creative!

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Local date is Fri 14th Mar 2025, 11:57
Local date is Fri 14th Mar 2025, 11:57

Florists Choice, Let me get creative!

Time for me to get creative! Your bouquet will be beautiful and seasonal, it could be in tints and tones of pink, or maybe lemons and yellows or vibrant orange with a touch of purple! I call it my FLORIST CHOICE BOUQUET, simply because I choose my favourite blooms from the days delivery! 

Your bouquet will arrived in a hand tied style, in a water bubble, displayed in my signature box with rustic craft paper and tissue wrapping. Flowers are delivered in bud and will open over a few days. 

My images show all price sizes from £30 to £100
These photos are examples previous bouquets I have made as a florist choice.

The contents of course will change depending on season, your spend, flower availability, and my vibe on the day!


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